Resource Development Workshops
Overview of philanthropic landscape and nonprofit fundraising strategies
• Overview of grants writing and grants management
• What makes a grant application successful?
• Foundation funding versus corporate sponsorship
• Grant application review
Led by
Ann Joseph
Ann Joseph has led fundraising and philanthropy programs for over twenty-five years at premier cultural institutions, universities, and human services agencies in the nonprofit and public sectors. Michelle has held senior-level positions at the Chicago Urban League, DePaul University, DuSable Museum of African American History, and Goodman Theatre and managed donor portfolios of individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies.
About the African American Alliance of Chicago
Professional Development Workshops
The African American Arts Alliance’s professional development program and workshops support African American artists and arts organizations in the visual arts, literary, music, film, technical, theater, and dance communities. The Alliance’s sole purpose is to advocate on behalf of our membership to ensure that they are represented as important contributors to the cultural fabric of our city and state and recognized as strong participants and recipients in the economic and funding arena.
African American Arts Alliance Mission
The mission of the African American Arts Alliance (Alliance) is to provide vital support to our membership of artists and arts organizations that strengthen and builds their capacity in the areas of marketing, promotion, development, organizational capacity, networking, and resource sharing. Our purpose is to advocate on behalf of our membership to ensure that they are represented as important contributors to the cultural fabric of our city and state and recognized as strong participants and recipients in the economic and funding arena.